Thursday, September 6, 2012

T-Shirt Hell's new topical idea contest

T-Shirt Hell is always open to submissions of shirt ideas or slogans.  But every so often, the site puts out a call for ideas on a specific theme or topic.  The current topic is "customizable joke shirts."  They have a couple of these shirts for sale already, including "Support our troops.  Except Ron, that guy's a dick" but they're looking for more.  Send in your ideas for joke shirts that can be customized for specific people, places, or things.  Instead of the usual $200 per accepted idea, T-Shirt Hell says they'll pay $500 for each customizable shirt slogan they buy during the current topical idea contest, so now's a great time to submit.

1 comment:

  1. Very nice and impressive blog. Thanks for this sharing this information.Slogan T-shirts
